
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
set now=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
set now=%now: =0%
echo %now%
set path_current=%~dp0
set path=%path%;%path_current%;%path_current%\wpt

set path_result=%path_current%\result
if not exist %path_result% (md "%path_result%")

set path_backup=%path_result%\backup
if not exist %path_backup% (md "%path_backup%")
set path_word=%path_result%\wps
if not exist %path_word% (md "%path_word%")
set path_et=%path_result%\et
if not exist %path_et% (md "%path_et%")
set path_ppt=%path_result%\_ppt
if not exist %path__ppt% (md "%path__ppt%")

set path_word_result=%path_result%\preread_word.txt
set path_ppt_result=%path_result%\preread_ppt.txt
set path_et_result=%path_result%\preread_et.txt

set path_test=%~1
if not exist %path_test%\wpstest.exe (
    echo "the path is wrong......"
    echo "can not find the wpstest.exe by that path."
    goto :exit
set softnode=SOFTWARE
reg query "HKLM\%softnode%\kxtry\test\6.0\Common\res">nul 2>nul && call :registry_clear

if not exist %path_word_result% (
    echo "ready to do wps preread info."
    pushd %path_word%
    call :dokswpt /kxtry /wps /runactions="sleep,10|closeapp" %path_current%/1.docx
    copy /Y %path_word%\prereaddata_%now%.txt %path_word_result% > nul 2>nul
) else if not exist %path_ppt_result% (
    echo "ready to do _ppt preread info."
    pushd %path__ppt%
    call :dokswpt /kxtry /_ppt /runactions="sleep,10|closeapp"  %path_current%/1.pptx
    copy /Y %path__ppt%\prereaddata_%now%.txt %path__ppt_result% > nul 2>nul
) else if not exist %path_et_result% (
    echo "ready to do et preread info."
    pushd %path_et%
    call :dokswpt /kxtry /et /runactions="sleep,10|closeapp"  %path_current%/1.xlsx
    copy /Y %path_et%\prereaddata_%now%.txt %path_et_result% > nul 2>nul
) else (
    echo "all job was finished."

echo "finish all..."
goto :exit

rem -------------
echo "remove the preRead's infomation from registry."
reg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%softnode%\kxtry\test\6.0\Common\Res" %path_backup%\backup_%now%.reg /y
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%softnode%\kxtry\test\6.0\Common\Res">nul 2>nul /f
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\kxtry\test\6.0\Common\Res" >nul 2>nul /f
goto :exit

rem --------
xperf -stop app_session -d app_tmp.etl
xperf -stop -d base_tmp.etl
if exist app_tmp.etl (del app_tmp.etl)
if exist base_tmp.etl (del base_tmp.etl)

echo "open session.."
xperf -start -on Base
xperf -start app_session -on CA80A0D7-6CA2-4F62-B22D-D0F88D79AE4B
echo "%path_test%\wpstest.exe" %*
call "%path_test%\wpstest.exe" %*

xperf -stop app_session -d  app_tmp.etl
xperf -stop -d base_tmp.etl
xperf -merge base_tmp.etl app_tmp.etl kxtry_%now%.etl

xperf -tle -i kxtry_%now%.etl -o hardfaults_%now%.csv -a hardfault -file -bytes
xperf -tle -i kxtry_%now%.etl -o time_%now%.csv -a dumper -provider {CA80A0D7-6CA2-4F62-B22D-D0F88D79AE4B}
xperf -tle -i kxtry_%now%.etl -o pagefaults_%now%.csv -a dumper -provider {3D6FA8D3-FE05-11D0-9DDA-00C04FD7BA7C}
hardpage.py wpstest time_%now%.csv pagefaults_%now%.csv _%now%
goto :exit

rem ---------------
echo "exit now..."